Wednesday, January 12, 2011

If I could turn back TIME!?!?

What would I do if I could turn back time when it comes to my children? OMG I'd do a lot different. Example? Well my 11year old daughter screamed from the bathroom a few days ago. I ran to find her in tears. Yes my little girl became a young women. Instantly my knees started shaking and I was getting hot flashes. I felt like I was gonna pass out. I told her to jump in the shower and I'd be back in to explain what to do next. I closed the door slowly behind me and ran to my room. After locking the door I found myself on the floor in tears. I know this is supposed to be a wonderful time for her but where is my little girl? When did all this happen so young? I'm still in shock! Can I go back to the days when I'd find her in the cat food or smearing mashed potatoes on her chubby little cheeks? Even my 14 year old son is different. Very different. He doesn't want my kisses or hugs. He thinks he is too cool to be seen with me. Even his voice has changed and become very deep. Just yesterday he was watching Telly Tubbies and the annoying purple dinosaur. He isn't looking at his baseball cards anymore. Instead he looks in the Auto Trader for which kind of car he'd like to have. When you hear older people saying that children grow so fast, you brush it off. Now its what I'm saying to you.... KIDS GROW UP SO FAST!!!